In 2013, KSFFA created an honorary membership designation to forever document those who have been identified as worthy of Honorary Member status with the KSFFA.
Our KSFFA Constitution and By-Laws direct us under Article III, Section 4 as follows---
"The Executive Board of the Association may recognize any individual who has made a significant contribution to achieving the goal of the association by naming such individuals as an honorary member of the Association. Honorary members may attend the Association conference as guests and will receive the newsletter."
An application process was created to nominate deserving individuals. Nomination forms should be submitted no later than April 1 each year.
You are encouraged to nominate those who have made our great Association what it is today using the nomination form link above. Those names will be forwarded to the Suggestions Committee at our next conference and ultimately brought to the floor for approval by the membership. After approval from the membership, the Honorees will be a part of the recorded history of our Association and their names will be placed on this webpage for all to see.
Thank you for your assistance in this endeavor to properly recognize our true KSFFA heroes.
Current Honorary Members
Jerry Marlatt
Dale Perkins
Ed Redmond
Roy Reed
Lawrence "Sonny" Ruff
Jim Slattery
Russ Smith
Joe Thibodeau
Please send any name that was omitted to the KSFFA Secretary - secretary@ksffa.com.