Line of Duty Deaths

Kansas Fallen Firefighters

The following are the names of firefighters in Kansas who have died in the line-of-duty


Ty Voth
Wichita Fire Department


Martin Smith
Montgomery County Fire District #1


Joshua Bruggeman
Wichita Fire Department


Jason Garrett
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department


Michael Lee Schultz, Captain
Hoyt Rural Fire District #3 - July 27, 2016
Captain Schultz was killed when the tanker he was operating lost a front tire and crashed off of the roadway, rolling over several times. A second firefighter was transported to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The pair of firefighters were on their way to a county fair parade when the fatal crash occurred. Age: 47

Daniel F. Cool, Asst. Chief
Jefferson County Fire Department #1 - Kaw - February 14, 2016
Assistant Fire Chief Cool responded to an emergency incident on the morning of February 11th. Later that day, he attended a training meeting and collapsed suddenly from a heart attack. Chief Cool was admitted to St. Francis Hospital in Topeka, KS, where he succumbed to his injury early in the morning of February 14th. Age: 71


Cliff Sanders
Caney Fire Department - January 29, 2015
Firefighter Sanders became ill and collapsed at the firehouse while responding to a grass fire call. Sanders was treated immediately at the station by fellow responders and transported to Jane Phillips Hospital in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and then on to St. Johns Hospital in Tulsa where he died January 29th from a stroke.Age: 55

Ronnie W. Peek
Garden City Fire Department - January 22, 2015
Firefighter Peek fell ill while participating in fire department mandated air management training. He was subsequently transported to the hospital where he suffered a heart attack and passed away.
Age: 55

Mike Corn
Conway Springs Fire Department - April 27, 2015
While putting on gear at the station preparing to respond to a fire call, Training Officer/Firefighter Corn collapsed. Fellow responders immediately provided medical assistance but Corn succumbed to his injury, the nature and cause of which is still to be determined.
Age: 67


Jim Duane Niles
Downs Fire Department - January 18, 2011
Captain Niles and the members of his fire department responded to a garage fire. Captain Niles was at home at the time of dispatch and drove his personal vehicle to the fire station. Upon arrival at the station, he complained of shortness of breath. He donned his protective clothing and drove a brush fire fighting apparatus to the scene. Once at the scene, Captain Niles used an apparatus-mounted remote-controlled nozzle to assist with fire control. He remained in the cab of the apparatus while the other firefighter that had ridden in the cab dismounted and assisted with overhaul. A few minutes later, firefighters discovered Captain Niles slumped over the steering wheel in the apparatus cab. Captain Niles was removed and CPR was initiated by firefighters and three local nurses that happened to be on the scene. He was transported to the hospital where he was later pronounced dead. The cause of death was listed as an enlarged heart and narrowing of the arteries.
Age: 59


Chief Larry W. Suiter
Lorraine Fire Department - September 4, 2010
Chief Suiter responded to an anhydrous ammonia leak at a local grain elevator on the evening of September 3, 2010. He died at his home in the early hours of September 4, 2010, of an apparent heart attack.
Age: 66

John Glaser
Shawnee Fire Department - May 22, 2010
The Shawnee Fire Department received a residential fire alarm report at 2052 hours and dispatched a single company. Additional calls reporting a working fire generated the response of a full alarm assignment of three engines, two quints, a Command Officer, and a medic unit. Firefighters arrived on the scene and found a working fire in a 6,000-square-foot residence. Firefighter Glaser was assigned search and rescue of the structure with his company officer. Bystanders reported that a dog and an elderly couple might be inside of the structure. Firefighter Glaser broke out a side window by the front door and unlocked the door. Heavy black smoke began to pour out of the broken window as he worked. Firefighter Glaser and his company officer entered the structure and began a search. As they searched, Firefighter Glaser advanced an uncharged 1-3/4-inch handline and a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC). They located the family dog and carried it to the front door, where it was handed to other firefighters. Firefighter Glaser and his company officer reentered the structure to continue the search. They were joined by another crew. Shortly thereafter, Firefighter Glaser's company officer was heard calling for him. The second crew scanned the area with their TIC in an attempt to find Firefighter Glaser. Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) crews were assigned and searched the structure for Firefighter Glaser. After approximately 10 minutes of searching by multiple crews, Firefighter Glaser was located in a small room behind a closed door. He was removed from the structure by firefighters and treated. Firefighter Glaser was transported to the hospital by ambulance where he was pronounced dead. Investigation revealed that Firefighter Glaser had become ill and vomited into his SCBA facepiece. When he was found, he was lying on his back without his helmet, gloves, and facepiece. His death was caused by smoke inhalation. 
Age: 33

Harold Reed Sr
Peru Fire District #3 - April 11, 2010
Firefighter Reed was assisting with wildland firefighting operations when he became ill. He was transported to the hospital by ambulance but did not survive. His death was caused by a heart attack.
Age: 74

Chief Jon Siemers
Clay Center Fire Department - February 21, 2010
Chief Siemers was the first to arrive at a fire alarm incident in a multiple residential occupancy at 1614 hours. The building was one block from Chief Siemers's residence and Chief Siemers walked to the scene in full turnout gear. Chief Siemers climbed to the third floor of the building and learned that the alarm was accidentally caused by cooking. Arriving firefighters ventilated the building to clear the smoke. Chief Siemers cleared the fire alarm panel, sent firefighters back to quarters, and walked back to his residence. When Chief Siemers arrived home, he complained to his wife of shoulder pain and left a family outing early because he was not feeling well. At approximately 0414 hours the next morning, firefighters and EMS responders were called to Chief Siemers's home for a medical emergency. Chief Siemers had suffered a heart attack. Firefighters, law enforcement officers, and EMS responders provided ALS care and transported Chief Siemers to the hospital. Chief Siemers was pronounced dead at the hospital at 0450 hours.
Age: 44

Chief Stanley Giles
Linn Valley Fire Department - February 10, 2010
The Linn Valley Lakes Fire Department received a mutual-aid request for a tanker (tender) to respond to a structure fire. The tanker responded from the station with one firefighter aboard. Chief Giles responded to the incident but remained at the fire station. The tanker was cancelled while responding and returned to the fire station. As the tanker backed into the fire station, Chief Giles was crushed between the moving tanker and a parked apparatus. He was pronounced dead at the scene. 
Age: 69

Urban Eck
Wichita Fire Department - January 2, 2010
Captain Eck assisted with fire department operations at a second-alarm apartment fire. He and his crew operated at the scene for over 4 hours. While in rehab at the scene, Captain Eck's vital signs were elevated. Captain Eck and his engine company returned to service and responded to two additional emergency incidents prior to going off duty at 0800 hours on December 14, 2009. Captain Eck continued to have physical symptoms. He reported for duty his next shift on December 16, 2009, but reported being tired and congested. Captain Eck was admitted to the hospital on December 18 and was diagnosed with heart failure. Heart surgery was performed on December 29, 2009. Captain Eck did not recover from the surgery and died on January 2, 2010. His surgery was an attempt to repair damage to a heart valve, an acute event caused by the extreme physical exertion at the December 13, 2009, fire.
Age: 51


Dennis M. Simmons
Stafford County Fire Department - April 21, 2009
A number of different fire department units responded to assist with fighting a wildland fire that resulted from a controlled burn. District Chief Simmons assisted with firefighting efforts from his arrival on the scene at approximately 1544 hours until approximately 1715 hours. At that time, District Chief Simmons told the IC that he was exhausted and needed to be relieved. District Chief Simmons departed the scene in his personal vehicle. At approximately 1800 hours, reports were received of a vehicle in a ditch. Responders discovered District Chief Simmons. He was unresponsive. He was transported to the hospital but died some time later. The cause of death was a heart attack.
Age: 63

Lyle Lewis
Osborne County Fire District #3/Alton - June 16, 2009
Firefighter Lewis and the members of his fire department responded to a residential structure fire. It was a hot and humid day. Firefighters found a working fire. Firefighter Lewis and other firefighters advanced a handline through a second story window and operated in the interior. After exiting the structure temporarily, Firefighter Lewis and another firefighter went back into the structure to continue operations. As Firefighter Lewis exited the building for the second time, his low air alarm was sounding. When he arrived at rehab, he told other firefighters that he was overheated. He was assessed and found to be suffering from chest pains. He was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Firefighter Lewis lost consciousness; an AED was attached and delivered a shock. Treatment efforts continued in the emergency room but were not successful. Firefighter Lewis was pronounced dead at 1845 hours.
Age: 50


Stan Engdahl
McPherson County Fire District #2 - November 12, 2007
Fire Chief Engdahl responded to the scene of a residential fire with the fire department and EMS. Shortly after the small fire was under control and units were clearing the scene, Engdahl suffered an apparent heart attack and passed away.
Age: 78

Michael J. Tluseik
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - November 21, 2007
Firefighter Tluscik reported for duty and was assigned as the driver of Pumper 9. He completed his morning apparatus checks and station maintenance prior to 0800hrs. During the morning, Pumper 9 responded to a carbon monoxide alarm and a structure fire. During the response to the structure fire, Pumper 9 lost traction momentarily and Firefighter Tluscik was able to gain control. He commented that this occurrence had shaken him. The pumper was cancelled prior to their arrival at the scene of the structure fire. Firefighters returned to the fire station to eat their morning meal. Firefighter Tluscik sat on the couch and talked with other firefighters. Other firefighters noticed that Firefighter Tluscik was making snoring noises and that he was unresponsive. Firefighters lowered Firefighter Tluscik to the floor and assessed him. CPR was initiated immediately and paramedic-level EMS procedures were provided. Firefighter Tluscik was defibrillated at least 3 times prior to transport by ambulance to the hospital. He was pronounced dead at 1200hrs. Firefighter Tluscik died of cardiac condition known as mitral valve redundancy.
Age: 48

Bryon Johnson
Sedgwick County Fire Department - September 24, 2007
The fire department communications center received several calls reporting a brush fire that downed power lines may have caused. Squad 34, under the command of Lieutenant Johnson, responded to the call but did not acknowledge the message about power lines. When the unit arrived on the scene, power lines were visible in the street. Firefighters advanced a handline and began to control the fire. In order to access a portion of the fire, the apparatus had to be backed up. Lieutenant Johnson advanced the hose line and his engineer drove the apparatus. The 2 firefighters communicated by hand signal. Lieutenant Johnson was hitting hot spots with the handline. His engineer viewed him in the rear view mirror. The engineer saw Lieutenant Johnson stiffen and fall. The engineer stopped the apparatus, got out, and found Lieutenant Johnson on his back. The engineer recognized the presence of an energized power line. With some difficulty, the engineer pulled Lieutenant Johnson away from the hazard. The engineer called to another firefighter that had just arrived on the scene for help. The firefighter reported the incident, ordered the dispatch of an ambulance, and requested a command officer and additional firefighters. Lieutenant Johnson was transported to the hospital but did not survive. The cause of death was listed as electrocution. The fallen power line that caused the grass fire was the result of a pole being struck by a truck making a u-turn.
Age: 32

Anthony 'Tony' Cox
Topeka Fire Department - August 13, 2007
Captain Cox and other firefighters were working on the scene of a 2-story apartment building fire. Captain Cox collapsed after leaving the building to rehab. His death was caused by a heart attack.
Age: 44

Brandon Daley
Butler County Fire District #3 - May 11, 2007
Firefighter Daley and the members of his fire department were dispatched to a structure fire in their community. Firefighter Daley responded in his personal vehicle to the fire station. Upon his arrival at the fire station, he learned that there was no room for him to respond on the first piece of fire apparatus. Firefighter Daley was instructed to wait for the next piece of apparatus to respond. Firefighter Daley departed the fire station in his personal vehicle, a 1990 full-size Chevrolet extended cab pickup truck, and began his response to the fire scene. Firefighter Daley passed a car headed in the same direction but oversteered when he entered his travel lane. The right wheels of Firefighter Daley's vehicle left the right side of the paved surface of the roadway. Firefighter Daley lost control of his vehicle, it slid sideways, and rolled 2.5 times. Firefighter Daley was ejected from the vehicle during the second roll. Firefighter Daley was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash. He received fatal injuries and was pronounced dead at the hospital just after midnight.
Age: 19


Jason Allen Johnson
Butler County Fire District #3 - January 14, 2006
Firefighter Johnson responded to 2 emergency incidents on the morning of January 14, 2006. His response to the first emergency ended at the fire station when the incident response was cancelled. Firefighter Johnson's second emergency response was to a wildland fire where he performed very strenuous tasks for approximately 1 hour. After returning home and cleaning up from the wildland fire, Firefighter Johnson left home with members of his family to complete errands. Less than an hour after returning from his second emergency incident, Firefighter Johnson collapsed in his personal vehicle and became unresponsive. Firefighter Johnson was removed from his vehicle, CPR was initiated, and EMS was called. Upon the arrival of EMS responders, an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) was applied but advised that no shock was indicated. Paramedics arrived and provided ALS (Advanced Life Support) level assistance. Firefighter Johnson was transported to the hospital. Despite all of these efforts, Firefighter Johnson was pronounced dead at 1626hrs. Firefighter Johnson's death was likely caused by a cardiac condition.
Age: 28

Christopher R. Brown
LaHarpe Fire Department - July 27, 2006
Firefighter Brown was on a work detail driving from his town to Manhattan, Kansas to pick up fire equipment that was being given to his department by the Kansas State Forestry Department. Firefighter Brown was driving his personal vehicle, a 2001 Dodge pickup. A police report on the incident noted that it was raining. For reasons unknown, Firefighter Brown's vehicle crossed the centerline of the highway and collided head-on with a tractor-trailer truck headed in the opposite direction. Both vehicles were traveling at highway speeds. Firefighter Brown sustained major injuries and he was pronounced dead at the scene. Firefighter Brown was wearing his seatbelt at the time of the crash.
Age: 20


Edwin E. King
Reno County Fire District #7 - September 21, 2005
Chief King was driving a brush truck in response to a controlled burn that had become uncontained. Conditions were smoky and the dirt road that Chief King was driving on was only 20 feet wide. Chief King's brush truck collided head-on with his department's tanker (tender) as it responded to the same incident. Chief King was pronounced dead at the scene; the driver of the tanker was not injured.
Age: 55

Bruce Sternberger
Hardtner/Elwood Fire Department - June 10, 2005
Incident Description: Firefighter Sternberger and the members of his fire department fought a 260-acre fire in wheat fields. That night, a lightning strike occurred near his home, causing a power outage and starting a wildfire. Firefighter Sternberger called the fire department to report the fire and then went outside to begin fighting the fire. Firefighters believe that Firefighter Sternberger left his home and almost immediately came into contact with an energized power line. After not hearing from him for a while, Firefighter Sternberger's wife called the fire department for assistance. Firefighter Sternberger's body was discovered a short time later.
Age: 56


Cordell French
Towanda Fire Department - August 28, 2004
Firefighter French and the members of his fire department participated in a drill involving hose line usage, map training, and vehicle maintenance. The drill was completed at approximately 1600hrs. Firefighter French returned home and suffered a heart attack at approximately 2000hrs. Fellow firefighters responded and provided treatment for Firefighter French. Despite their efforts, Firefighter French was pronounced dead at 2130hrs as the result of a heart attack.
Age: 44

Donald H. Kersting
Wichita Fire Department - November 15, 2004
Chief Kersting arrived at work in the fire department administrative offices and went through his regular morning routine. At approximately 0900hrs, firefighters walking by Chief Kersting's office found him slumped over his desk and unresponsive. An ambulance was called, and CPR was initiated. An AED was used in an attempt to revive Chief Kersting. Chief Kersting died as the result of his illness. He was also a member of his hometown volunteer fire department.
Age: 47

Jared Moore
Fairmount Township Fire Department - December 29, 2004
Firefighter Moore was responding in his personal vehicle to the scene of a single-vehicle rollover motor vehicle crash. The emergency flashers on Firefighter Moore's vehicle were in operation. Firefighter Moore slowed to begin a left-hand turn onto the road where the incident was located and was struck from behind by a sheriff's cruiser responding to the same incident. Firefighter Moore was not wearing his seatbelt and was ejected from his vehicle. Firefighter Moore was unconscious at the scene and was flown by medical helicopter to a regional hospital. He was pronounced dead after arriving at the hospital. The deputy sheriff driving the cruiser that struck Firefighter Moore's vehicle was charged with vehicular homicide. A law enforcement traffic investigation placed the cruiser's estimated speed at between 84 and 87 miles per hour at the time of the crash. According to news account, the deputy was confused as to the location of the original crash and was in the process of passing Firefighter Moore.
Age: 19


Gary D. Boyert
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - November 17, 2003
Captain Boyert was responding in a fire department sedan to the report of a structure fire. Roads were slick from recent rain. As his vehicle entered a curve, Captain Boyert lost control. The vehicle left the roadway and struck a utility pole and a fire hydrant. The vehicle came to rest on its roof. The drivers door of the car received the majority of the impact damage with the telephone pole. Firefighters responded to the crash scene and provided medical care for Captain Boyert. He was extricated and then transported to the hospital but could not be revived. The preliminary cause of death was listed as positional asphyxiation. The alarm that generated Captain Boyert's response was a false alarm.


Mark David Mansfield
Overland Park Fire Department - April 6, 2002
Firefighter Mansfield was on-duty in his fire station. He went to bed at approximately 2300hrs but failed to respond to a dispatch at 0546hrs. Firefighters found Firefighter Mansfield in his bed; he had no pulse and was not breathing. Firefighters, including paramedics, began treatment immediately, and Firefighter Mansfield was transported to the hospital. He was pronounced dead upon arrival. The cause of death was listed as a cardiac arrhythmia due to mitral valve prolapse.
Age: 30

Chief Earl M. Hemphill
Russell Fire Department - April 11, 2002
Chief Hemphill and members of his department were dispatched as mutual aid to a motor vehicle crash. Chief Hemphill and 4 other firefighters responded to the scene in a rescue truck. The rescue truck was the first fire department unit on the scene and found an overturned SUV and a camper that had been in tow. The staff of an ambulance that had arrived on the scene first reported that there were no injuries that required the assistance of the fire department. Chief Hemphill and other firefighters turned their attention to the fluids leaking from the SUV. As Chief Hemphill and another firefighter inspected the front of the SUV, they noticed another piece of fire apparatus approaching the scene at a high rate of speed. The driver of the apparatus was waving his hands back and forth to indicate that he had no brakes. Chief Hemphill ran one way and the other firefighter ran the other way. The apparatus struck Chief Hemphill and threw him down an embankment. The apparatus struck another vehicle, left the roadway, overturned, and ejected the driver. Firefighters and EMS workers on the scene provided treatment for Chief Hemphill and he was transported to the hospital. Despite extraordinary efforts on the part of the responders on the scene and the staff at the hospital, Chief Hemphill was later pronounced dead at the hospital. The cause of death was listed as chest, abdominal, and skull trauma. The apparatus involved in the collision had a history of mechanical problems. The driver received minor injuries and was discharged from the hospital the following day. The apparatus driver was initially charged with driving too fast for existing conditions and operating an unsafe vehicle. The charges were later dropped. 
Age: 61


Lyndell Joe Smith
Caldwell Volunteer Fire Department - June 1, 2000
Firefighter Smith was a passenger in a 1984 Jeep CJ7 command vehicle. The truck was equipped with extrication equipment and was responding with lights and siren in operation to a vehicle rollover with reports of serious injuries. Firefighter Smith was riding the hump between the driver and the front seat passenger. None of the truck’s occupants were wearing seat belts. As the command vehicle overtook and passed a passenger car on the left side, the car turned into the command vehicle, striking it at the right rear tire. The command vehicle skidded across traffic, entered a ditch, overturned in a wheat field, and caught fire. All three occupants of the command vehicle were ejected. Firefighter Smith received fatal injuries, and the other occupants of the command vehicle received serious injuries. No autopsy was performed but the cause of death for Firefighter Smith was listed as closed head and chest trauma with exsanguination from mortal axillary wounds (blood loss). No extrication was required at the scene of the original rollover call.
Age: 46


Norman Neal Almond
Parsons Fire Department - November 24, 1998
A painting contractor found that their ladders were not long enough to reach the upper portion of the church. A representative of the church contacted city hall and requested an aerial ladder. After an assessment by the fire chief, a reserve pumper was sent to the scene to allow for the use of its ground ladders. Captain Almond and Driver/Operator Brown were assisting with the positioning of a ladder on the exterior of a church that was being painted. The aluminum ladder made contact with an electrical service line, resulting in the fatal electrocution of both firefighters and injury to one additional firefighter. The firefighters were positioning the ladder since it was too cumbersome for the two painters to position by themselves. 
Age: 46

Craig Daniel Brown
Parsons Fire Department - November 24, 1998
A painting contractor found that their ladders were not long enough to reach the upper portion of the church. A representative of the church contacted city hall and requested an aerial ladder. After an assessment by the fire chief, a reserve pumper was sent to the scene to allow for the use of its ground ladders. Captain Almond and Driver/Operator Brown were assisting with the positioning of a ladder on the exterior of a church that was being painted. The aluminum ladder made contact with an electrical service line, resulting in the fatal electrocution of both firefighters and injury to one additional firefighter. The firefighters were positioning the ladder since it was too cumbersome for the two painters to position by themselves.
Age: 27


Norman Adams
Almena Volunteer Fire Department - April 8, 1996
On April 8th, Firefighter Norman Adams died from an asthma attack after engaging in support duties for 9 1/2 hours at an industrial fire in a plant that makes aluminum products.
Age: 38


Donald Charles Koebel
Johnson County Consolidated Fire District #2 - March 8, 1995
On March 8, Firefighter Donald Koebel of the Johnson County Frie District #2 died when he became trapped in the basement of a house fire and ran out of air. Firefighter Koebel was part of the initial entry crew attempting to locate the seat of the fire when the floor collapsed beneath him. Heavy smoke and fire conditions prevented other firefighters from rescuing him. The fire originated in the basement of the house.
Age: 33

Gary E. Soupene
Riley County Fire Department - July 10, 1995
On July 10, Lieutenant Gary Soupene of the Riley County Rural Fire Department was killed while responding in his personal vehicle to a reported grass fire. Lieutenant Soupene was slowing down to pick up another volunteer when his vehicle was struck from behind by a car driven by another firefighter responding to the same incident, flipping Lieutenant Soupene's car and killing him. The reported fire turned out to be a bale of hay that had caught on fire.
Age: 48


Guy E. Post
Bourbon County Fire District #3
Cause of Death: Heart Attack
Age: 83


Wilbert L. Dyer
Jefferson County #1 Valley Falls Fire Department
Firefighter Dyer suffered a heart attack while getting on the fire truck at the station to respond to a residential garage fire.
Age: 57

Arthur L. Pearson
Ogden Fire Department
Firefighter Pearson suffered a heart attack while responding to a motor vehicle accident.
Age: 36

Wayne E. Walker
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - June 8, 1992
Captain Walker suffered a heart attack returning from a residential structure fire.
Age: 41


Frank L. Butler
Marysville Fire Department - March 26, 1991
Firefighter Butler suffered a heart attack and died after fighting a grass fire along a railroad right-of-way.
Age: 52

Raymond Hazuka
Wakeeney Fire Department - September 16, 1991
Firefighter Hazuka suffered from a heart attack while operating at house fire.
Age: 54

Robert L. Seward
Florence Fire Department - January 9, 1991
Heart attack while responding to a call
Age: 63


Todd David Colton
Sedgwick County Fire Department - September 6, 1990
On September 6th, 1990, Firefighter Colton and several other firefighters were fighting a brush fire. At approximately 4:03 pm, Colton was found collapsed on a car wheel and tire near a barbed wire fence. The fire was on the other side of the fence. It was determined that Firefighter Colton died of a heat stroke. The firefighters were wearing 40-50 lbs of equipment and operating in 94 degree temperatures with high humidity.
Age: 25


David A. Scheidegger
Ft. Leavenworth Fire Department


Claud C. Killingsworth
Wichita Fire Department - December 31, 1988
Lost life when he was trapped inside a house at 3749 N. Meridian

Marvin Donald Wilcox
Consolidated Fire District #2 Johnson County - July 22, 1988


Warren L. Howland
Riley County Fire Department - May 25, 1987
Heart attack while driving fire truck to a fire.

Kevin E. Prichard
Butler-Douglas County Fire District #8 - November 4, 1987


Mark Milton Blair
Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Medical - July 17, 1986

Richard D. Harbour
Topeka Fire Department - July 7, 1986
Heart attack at fire station while on-duty.


Jean R. Charles
Altamont/Mt. Pleasant Fire Department - September 7, 1985

Leland F. Jones
Edwardsville Fire Department - August 7, 1985


David A. Ball
Cloud County Rural Fire District #4


Frank Enke
Girard Fire Department

Lester D. Shaw
Claflin Fire District #1


William E. Duncan
Topeka-Tecumseh Fire Department - February 28, 1982
Died from a ruptured abdominal aneurysm caused by falling on the ice with a SCBA bottle.


Paul D. Glahn
McPherson Fire Department


Adrian D. Montgomery
Wichita Fire Department - February 9, 1979
Lost life when he was trapped inside a house fire at 1202 N. Emporia.


Howard Lour
Neodesha Fire Department - July 7, 1976
Assistant Chief Howard Lour died July 7, 1976 while driving engine 4 to a house fire. Howard died of a heart attack. A monument was placed in front of the Neodesha Fire Station in October of 1998 with his name on it.

Gary Hunter
Reno-Harvey Joint #2 Fire Department - March 26, 1976


William J. Bingham
Olathe Fire Department - May 20, 1975
Captain Bingham died while diving at Olathe Lake during a body recovery from an earlier drowning.

Bernard Eberth
Fairmount Township Fire Department - August 5, 1975


Gerald Lloyd
Sedgwick County Fire Department - June 13, 1973


Thomas Dean Cox
Ford County Fire Department - May 14, 1971


Larry Lee Riggs
Wakarusa Township Fire Department - March 19, 1969


Tom A. McGaughey
Wichita Fire Department - November 21, 1968
Lost life when ceiling collapsed at the Yingling Chevrolet fire at English and Topeka.

Merle O. Wells
Wichita Fire Department - November 21, 1968
Lost life when ceiling collapsed at the Yingling Chevrolet fire at English and Topeka.

Jimmy L. Austin
Wichita Fire Department - November 21, 1968
Lost life when ceiling collapsed at the Yingling Chevrolet fire at English and Topeka.

Dale J. Mishler
Wichita Fire Department - November 21, 1968
Lost life when ceiling collapsed at the Yingling Chevrolet fire at English and Topeka.


Carroll Ferguson
Decatur County Fire Department - June 19, 1967
Carroll Ferguson was killed at a house fire in rural Decatur County when a chimney collapsed on him. He left a wife and 4 small children surviving him.


Earl 'Stoney' Stauffer
Valley Center Fire Department - July 27, 1966


Gary Lee Barrow
Wichita Fire Department - June 2, 1965
Lost life from an explosion and fire at the Red Bud Supermarket at Grove and 21st Street.

Walter Miroslaw
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - December 7, 1965


William F. Reynolds
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - April 23, 1962


Terry M. DesCarpenter
El Dorado Fire Department - July 22, 1961


Earl S. Roberts
Winfield Fire Department - January 29, 1959


William J. Scott Sr.
Pittsburg Fire Department - February 7, 1955


Earnest R. Prather
Olathe Fire Department - January 21, 1954
Assistant Chief Earnest Prather died January 21, 1954 at a house fire. He volunteered for 47 years.


James M. York
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - January 21, 1951


Gerald Lee Esely
Winfield Fire Department - November 2, 1950


William L. Kinion
McPherson Fire Department - April 2, 1949


R.R. Woolley
Hutchison Fire Department


Ed Baer
Newton Fire Department - May 23, 1946


Gail F. Braden
Wichita Fire Department - April 6, 1944
Lost life when he was shot while making a fire inspection.


Keith Fulton
Wichita Fire Department - November 18, 1943
Lost life when he was electrocuted while fighting a fire at Third and Topeka.

Clint Grovsener
Wichita Fire Department - November 18, 1943
Lost life when he was electrocuted while fighting a fire at Third and Topeka.


John W. Feldheger
Leavenworth Fire Department - February 15, 1939

Arthur H. Connell
Leavenworth Fire Department - February 16, 1939

Forest Rabon
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - August 28, 1939


Alfred 'Dub' Phillips
Olathe Fire Department - May 1, 1932
Alfred Phillips died May 1, 1932 when the 1925 Pirsch fire engine he was driving rolled over onto him following a wreck on the way to a house fire.

Charles Raymond Craig
Salina Fire Department - December 31, 1932
Charles Raymond Craig was 44 years old and died of an apparent heart attack while working at a house fire on December 31, 1932. Mr. Craig was married and had 2 children. He had been a member of the Salina Fire Department for 16 years.


Tom Sladek
Wichita Fire Department - April 27, 1927
Lost life when he fell from his engine while responding to a fire.


Charles A. Messer
Wichita Fire Department - April 25, 1925
Lost life from burns received at the Golden Rule Refinery fire.

Toni Kos
Hanover Fire Company - January 8, 1925


Grover Berry
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - March 30, 1923

Thomas E. Tomlin
City of Hutchinson - October 23, 1922,
Thomas hopped on the fire truck as it was leaving the station. Thrown off of the truck as it sped to the fire, Thomas landed head first and fractured his skull. He died as a result of his injuries leaving behind his wife and child.


Theodore Jones
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - November 17, 1920


Clyde Jones
Coffeyville Fire Department

Ora Moore
Coffeyville Fire Department

Stephen H. Tourtillot
Hays Fire Department - November 17, 1919

Nicholas Arnold
Hays Fire Department - November 17, 1919


Glenn Dale
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - August 7, 1918

John Conaty
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - 1918


Frank Hill
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - May 16, 1917

John C. Callahan
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - May 19, 1917


Chief Fred Brodbeck
Salina Fire Department - October 5, 1912
Chief Fred Brodbeck suffered a compound fracture of his leg after his fire chief's car crashed enroute to a fire. He died a week later at the hospital. Chief Brodbeck was also the first fire chief for the Salina Fire Department.

James "Jim" O'Loughlin
City of Hutchinson - April 15, 1912
Jim was thrown from the back of the city’s first motorized firetruck. The truck, travelling twelve-miles per hour, caught a trolley track and flipped on its side.


W. C. McFall
Wichita Fire Department - September 27, 1911
Lost life when he was crushed by a collapsing wall while fighting fire on East Douglas.

Vann Hackett
Fort Scott Fire Department - May 2, 1911
Driver Vann Hackett was brushed under a falling brick wall at a two-story brick Power House, he died at the Mercy Hospital at 0140. Chief Ausman and fireman Liblee, who was with him, was injured.


Alfred Mebus
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - August 1, 1910


Andy McDonald
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department - August 10, 1896


George Tompkins
Wichita Fire Department - March 30, 1887
Lost life responding to a fire when a hose cart turned over onto him.

Unknown Date of Death

Robert Hamilton
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department

Richard Fee
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department

Walter Laverick
Kansas City Kansas Fire Department

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